The Show at the "Weinkost Portugal" on last 20th of April was so fantastic, that they wanted to "have" us again as soon as possible! So, we'll be playing there again on Saturday, June 1st, 2024, from 5:30 to 9:30 PM, with lots of blues, as Luiz, the "Weinkost Portugal" owner, is a blues fan! 

Come to dance with us!


Then, on the next Saturday, June 8, 2024, we play at the festival "Wilhelmsburg 48HS", from 4 to 5 pm, at the stage in the "Krankenhaus Gross Sand"

(Gross Sand 3, 21107 HH)


And on Friday, June 21, 2024, we'll rock again at the  "Fete de la Musique", from 8:45 to 9pm, at the Atelier Karweck, at the Himmels Weg 7, in Tostedt.

See you there!

On Dezember 28, 2023, the "Colorful Condoms" played once more, this time at the "Kultur Kneipe Grete", in the Schanze, Hamburg, Germany, and it was simply great! Everybody danced, screamed and enjoyed, as always by the "Colorful Condoms"! People report that they've been brought to something they haven't done since ages: dancing!!!

So, come to one more Happening, to dance and move the bones, at the   Weinkost Portugal, Rambachstr. 13, U-Bahn Landungsbrücken, on Saturday, April 20.2024, up 5 PM!!

Pyari at the "Komm Du" Kultur Café on January 20, 2023
Pyari at the "Komm Du" Kultur Café on January 20, 2023


The next show from 

"Pyari and the colorful condoms"

will be on

Saturday,  September 30, 2023

at the

Brückenstern Kultur Café

in the

Stresemannstrasse 133.

22769 Hamburg.Sternschanze

"Pyari and the colorful condoms" at the festival 48st Wilhelmsburg on June 10, 2023
"Pyari and the colorful condoms" at the festival 48st Wilhelmsburg on June 10, 2023

Pyari celebrates 77 years on this planet with one more Show from the band

"Pyari and the colorful condoms"
on Friday, Juni 30th, 2023
 at the Jupi Bar up 8 PM
in the Gängeviertel - Caffamacherreihe 37-39 
Ecke Speckstrasse 20355 Hamburg

"Pyari and the colorful condoms" at the "Komm Du" on January 20, 2023
"Pyari and the colorful condoms" at the "Komm Du" on January 20, 2023

"Pyari and the 

colorful condoms"


plays on Saturday, Juni 10 - 2023


at the Festival 48 St. Wilhelmsburg

from 8 to 9 PM

The Osho mani center for arts and meditation in Seevetal, Germany
The Osho mani center for arts and meditation in Seevetal, Germany

Osho Nataraj Meditation

with Goa Trance Music


till Juli 6.2023

at 7 PM

at the

Osho Mani Center

for Arts and Meditation

informations and inscriptions: 0049.176.84401898


Pyari at the "Komm Du" on Friday, January 20, 2023
Pyari at the "Komm Du" on Friday, January 20, 2023
"Pyari and the
Colorful Condoms"
next shows
on Tuesday,  April   6 . 2023 
in TEUFELS Live Music Klub
Hammoorer Weg 26 - 22941 Bargteheide  
at 8 PM 🤡 - Tel: 0177.5960743
on Saturday, April 22 . 2023

im "Brückenstern"

(Stresemannstr.133 - 22769 Hamburg. Altona)

at 8 PM

"Pyari and the Colorful Condoms at the "Deichdiele", September 22, 2022
"Pyari and the Colorful Condoms at the "Deichdiele", September 22, 2022
upcoming SHOWS from
"Pyari and the Colorful Condoms"
 Friday January 20. 2023
at the
Buxtehuderstr. 13 21073 HH/Harburg
from 8 to 10 pm 
tel: 040.57228952
and on Thursday, April 6. 2023 at the TEUFELS Live Music Klub 
                   Hammoorer Weg 26 - 22941 Bargteheide at 20 Uhr 🤡 - Tel: 0177.5960743

"Pyari and Colorful Condoms" at the Deichdiele on August 22, 2021
"Pyari and Colorful Condoms" at the Deichdiele on August 22, 2021




on Thrusday, September 22, 2022

at 8 PM



Veringstraße 156

21107 HH Wilhelmsburg  


 Saturday, september 10, 2022







for expansion of consciousness and healing with: 





camping possible


Osho Nataraj Meditation

with Goa Trance Music

am 9.1.22 um 16:30 Uhr


          The Watcher 

 Pyaris Tanz Meditation

movement and stillness

presented in Buddha Hall, Poona, 1998                                                                                                nächsten Sonntag, 23.1.22 um 16:30 Uhr

in Osho Mani - inscriptions through: 0049.176.84401898  

Tantric Meditation for couples

daily - till January 24. 2022


at the Osho Mani

center for arts and meditation


inscriptions: 0049.176.84401898



             on  DECEMBER 11. 2021

                        at 4:15 PM 


at the Osho Mani Center

for arts and meditation


              inscriptions: 0049.176.84401898



Sunday, August 22, 2021 at 8 PM



Veringstraße 156

21107 HH Wilhelmsburg  


with a new program and a new bassist ...

come to dance with us!


Pyari meditating at the end of a dance festival in Putlitz, north of Germany
Pyari meditating at the end of a dance festival in Putlitz, north of Germany


We started, on the 1* of April, a series of Nadabrahma meditations, which will be daily practiced hier at the Osho Mani center for arts and meditation, located at the Iddensen forest reserve, in Rosengarten, north of Germany. We will be practising it till middle of September. 

This Meditation is considered a healing one and as it uses humming, it cleans and activates the brain, as well as the respiratory track, besides strengthening the immune system, as recently stated by scientists and renowned doctors. Best recommended for these Corona times.

Avinash by the second stage of the Nadabrahma
Avinash by the second stage of the Nadabrahma

And we invite you to come to meditate with us, probably in the garden, at the recommended distance, or to do it at home, in tune with us, even from so far away - and helping the body to remain healthy. 

The Nadabrahma is a Tibetan Meditation, practised by the monks in Tibet at 3 am. Here we are "doing" it around midday, after drinking a coffee, but it is better with an empty stomach. We prefer to start after having done some body movement, as for the Nadabrahma we sit for one hour. We keep the eyes closed and may even use a blindfold, if one wants to "have" more darkness. The body may move a little, if it wishes it so.

The first stage: We humm during the first half an hour, as loud and long as possible, imagining that the body is a follow bamboo, being filled by the humming. It may happen that after a while the humming will happen by itself, without one doing it. The humming may also change its pitch and we may lightly swing the body while doing it.

Pyari at the second phase of Nadabrahma at the Osho Mani garden
Pyari at the second phase of Nadabrahma at the Osho Mani garden

The second stage: (7:30 m.) we stop the humming, bring both hands to the navel, palms up, middle fingers touching each other, and, in silence, start moving the hands forward, till it's no more possible to move them further. Then we move them to the sides, forming two circles - the right hand to the right and the left one to the left - opening and coming then back to the navel, from where we have started - and again forward, to form new circles. We imagine we are emptying ourselves, giving everything back to the universe. The hands move as slowly as we “manage”, so slowly that if someone would come in the room, wouldn't notice that we are moving them. When I do it really slowly, I “manage” only one circle, or don't even complete one. When I am thinking, the hands move faster. 

Avinash at the third stage of Nadabrahma meditation at the garden of the Osho Mani center for arts and meditation, abril 2020
Avinash at the third stage of Nadabrahma meditation at the garden of the Osho Mani center for arts and meditation, abril 2020

The third stage: we turn very slowly the hands upside down and, from wherever they are, we start the inverse movement, forming the two circles, until, fingers to fingers, they come back to the navel, and go on, opening to the sides, from near the body. If the hands were starting a new circle from near the navel when we turn them upside down, they will, of course, come to the navel and from there will start the two circles. The movement is still as slowly as we “manage” and we imagine that the Universe is filling us up with whatever we might “need”! This stage lasts again 7:30 minutes.


 The fourth stagewe sit in silence for the remaining 15 minutes, watching the thoughts and feelings - or whatever is happening inside. If nothing is happening – this is it 

Pyari and Avinash by Nadabrahma for couples
Pyari and Avinash by Nadabrahma for couples

After the 60 minutes it is advisable to rest for at least some more 15 minutes.

It's not recommended any activity right after the Nadabrahma. 

We may also practise the Nadabrahma with a partner or lover, when one wishes to exchange or harmonize energies. Then you wrapped the both of you naked inside a sheet and obviously do not go so far with the hands. But you see how you relate to the situation. 

If we do it alone, we “can” do very big circles! And it feels wonderful!  Having done it with the beloved, we “may” lie down embraced.    


The tape, CD or DVD for this meditation is found at any Osho center or at bookstores  for esoterics. You may order it by us as well.  


The Osho Mani center for arts and meditation in winter
The Osho Mani center for arts and meditation in winter

But if you don't have the meditation CD, use alarm clocks to set the stages. Be creative!


If you want to meditate with us, get in contact:


And take a look at the Clip "O coronel e o ego",  the first from Pyari - with a song composed by her and Atman and played by "Pyari and the Colorful Condoms":  

Pyari and Adhara with Pyari's book in German
Pyari and Adhara with Pyari's book in German

We also offer the “Meditation of the Cosmic dancer" - 2 CDs with Pyari`s leading voice in English (also available in German or Portuguese) -, to dance with the 12 Parts of the body, for releasing stress and blocks. There is special music for each of these parts, according to the astrological concept that each part of the body is related to certain parts of the Universe, which are called the Zodiac signs.

This dance meditation lasts 2 hours and it's the condensei form of the "Corpoterapia©" - a process designed from Pyari, based on esoteric Astrology, which offers Natural healing, body therapy, and therefore, integration of body, mind and spirit.

And the music is from “Pyari and the Colorful Condoms".



If you read German, you may also order the two books by Pyari published here in Germany: „Tantrisches Leben“ (Heyne Verlag) und  „Sex, Ekstase und Transzendenz“ (Ullstein/Allegria Verlag)


As e.Books you can read them in English as well: "Satisfaktion" and "Sex, tantra and transzendente". And "Satisfaction" is the complete version, as the translation to German has been shortened to 20% less, in order to match the 400 pages designed by the Publishing House.

Osho in Poona, 1987
Osho in Poona, 1987


"If you understand this, your worries will disappear: Then there is no worry. Life is death, death is life. To be is a way towards not to be, and not to be is a way towards to be.It is the same game.Then there is no fear, then there is no problem.With this insight a great acceptance arises."


Osho, in "the heart sutra".

Avinash and Pyari in the Osho Mani garden
Avinash and Pyari in the Osho Mani garden

At the  moment, Pyari and Avinash are ready for a new change, as they are looking for a new location for the Osho Mani - their connection to "their" spiritual master Osho.

It is too small here!


So, the land they bought in Brazil in 1994, in order to build a commune, is now available for exchanging for something in Europe - and where they want to expand the Osho Mani, creating space for more people to live together.


Take a look at the site:

Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro
Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro


Pyari has also inherited an apartment at the beach, in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which she wants to sell as well, or exchange for some property in Germany or Europe. The flat's site is:




And anyone who knows anything which could match this wish, please, get in contact with us!

pointing to us, in winter
pointing to us, in winter


Five tibetans, Yoga, tantra, Osho's Meditations and Discourses, besides Sessions with Pyari, on different subjects


daily at the Osho Mani Center

for arts and meditation


Osho and commune members in Rajneeshpuran, Oregon, 1983
Osho and commune members in Rajneeshpuran, Oregon, 1983



"Last night someone asked me, 'What is Satsang?' I told him: 'Satsang means being in the company of one's self. The truth is not to be found outside. No teacher, no scripture can give it to you. It is inside you and if you wish to attain it, seek your own company. Be with yourself. But we are in the company of everyone and anyone, except your own'".
