Neo Tantra - Corpoterapia©
Next Neo Tantra - Corpoterapia
on Sunday, July 14, 2019
3 Pm to 7 Pm - "The Cristal Man",
Corpoterapia Workshop
with Ma Deva Pyari
9 PM - Kirtan by the fire outside
at the Osho Mani Center for Arts and Meditation
Every part of the program can be separatedly booked or you may also just come to hear or watch an Osho discourse, or even just for a cup of coffee or for going for a walk in the forest around us here.
There is enough space to camp in wild nature here and a few places on a trailler. But very nice hotels around us, some at a walking distance too and many at reasonable prices as well.
Meals , cooked by the Zen cooker Pyari, can be order at wish: macrobiotic, vegetarian or vegan.
We offer Shuttle service from or to the Hamburg airport, bus station and train, as well as to and from the nearest subway station: Klecken - 25 minutes from Hamburg and the second stop after Harburg.
Tickets for the "big Hamburg zone" applies to us here.
The Osho Mani is located in Iddensen, Seevetal, 30 km south of Hamburg, north of Germany.
And we still need helpers to support us promoting this event!
Booking at:
or whatsapp:
The Osho Mani
center for arts and meditation
celebrates 32 years of existence
on september 23, 2018
offering the workshop
"Body and Soul"
(Neo Tantra-Corpoterapia)
an workout with dance, massage, meditation, theater, mental projections and body
with Ma Deva Pyari
in the 3Falt (arts-roots-creativity) Harburg
Neue Strasse 44
in the old church "Dreifaltigkeit" (trinity)
Subway station: Harburg Rathaus
at 5 PM
more information at: NeoTantra-Corpoterapia
inscriptions: 04108.417751
or whatsapp: 0159.05192198 und 0179.1413304
or email:
"All meditation techniques that I have developed are for contemporary people."
Tantra is the meeting of earth and sky.
And the word Tantra, translated from Sanskrit means "technique".
This technique is not meant to tell you how you should be or become, but, instead, how you can "become" yourself. And, actually, you "can" only be
yourself, nobody else! Moreover, as you try to be like someone else, will you only loose "your" energy!
I've once heard Osho saying that "Existence is not interested in copies or in second hand people. We have to be originals. That's what Existence wants from us."
Hence, there is no concept such as "right" or "wrong" in tantra. The question is just how much awareness you "can" bring to each situation in your life,
how conscious you are of "your own" reality.
Tantra is the redescovery of the natural being, which has been repressed and now lives, scared, only in our deepest core.
Thousands of conditionnings and constant repression have forced the body to develop patterns of behaviour , which prevent us to enjoy life in its totality. And so, we have move away from our real being, which is absolutely unique and original in each of us. There is, there has never been and there will never be anybody like us! Existence creates only individuals!
And while we try to be like somebody else and reach ideals, which have been given to us, we loose the contact to our inner source - and thus, live only with a very little amount of life energy!
In the west, Tantra is always associated to sex, because the western mind is very happy with the fact that there is a path to Enlightment, which not only
does not repress or condems Sex, but also uses it as a meditation tecnique!
But Tantra ist not only Sex.
Tantra is a System of Meditation techniques, which Parvati got from her beloved Shiva, as she asked him, during the act of loving: "What is Truth?"
Shiva answered her then, not with ideas or concepts, but gave her 112 techniques, which compose the "Vigyana Bhairava Tantra", the tantra treatise from Shiva, from which, only 8 have something to do with somebody else. The other 104 have to be practise alone.
And these tecniques will drive you to a state of silence and joy, which allow us to recognise Truth as our intrinsic reality.
And this Workshop offers the possibility to experience the 3 most important points of Tantra, according to the spiritual Master Osho's Vision - The
Neo Tantra :
° unblocking the body
° awakening the senses
° putting the mind aside
To put the mind aside, there will be offered many different meditations tecniques; to awaken the senses, there will be experiences with smelling, tasting, colors, music and touching; and to unblock the body there will be the "Corpoterapia", a therapeutic process, developed by the tantric artist and astrologer Ma Deva Pyari, process which supports you to get loose and inspires to live intensily and orgasmic.
Next workshop:
on saturday, 24th of september 2016
11 am: Osho Dynamic Meditation
2 pm: The Crystal Man - Bodywork worshop
with Ma Deva Pyari
George Gurdjeff used to say that we need an integration of all our parts and dimensions, what he and Osho call
crystallization. And this is what this workshop offers, whose concept is described in the text below.
Overnight in Trailers, tents or at hotels in the neighborhood
Shuttle Service from and to the nearest train station: Klecken, in Iddensen, Seevetal
30 km south of Hamburg - Grossbereich HVV Hamburg
Shuttle Service also from and to the nearest airport: Hamburg
Corpoterapia© (copyright: Ma Deva Pyari)
Astrology emphasizes the body as a microcosmos, which reflets the macrocosmos, and sees individuals as a composition of all signs. Accordingly, each part and organ of the body is conducted by an astrological sign, which means that these parts or organs carry the characteristics - positive or negative - of the specific sign that rules them.
Working with astrology since 1971, in individual sessions, lectures, courses, radio programs, books, articles for newspapers and magazines, Ma Deva Pyari has soon noticed that clients’, students’ or listeners’ symptoms, problems or doubts “needed” also to be healed. They were claiming a solution. So, she started to research, experimenting on herself, on people that approached her, on clients, students and friends. And the result has been the book “Astrologia Esotérica” (esoteric astrology), which was written in 1978 and later published by the “Editora Ground”. Deva Pyari had thus developed the theory. But the praxis was missing.
Hence, in 1980, when she opened the first Osho meditation center in Rio de Janeiro, she immediately created the “Corpoterapia”©, a body awareness process, that works practically with healing through the astrology concept - which she had developed and exposed in this last book, published in Brazil in 1982.
The “Corpoterapia”© consists therefore of a combination of body-work techniques, collected from many different sources, including the art scene (Amir Haddad`s theatre, Joe Shalders’ body expression, Isadora Duncan`s dance, and Yoko Ono's happenings), Shiatsu Massage (excellent tool for unblocking and releasing tensions), Tantra and Osho’s meditations.
Pyari had also inferred that in a group, possibilities for “healing“ are the best, besides the conditions for creating an atmosphere of happiness and joy being greater when people relate to each other. During individual “work” this is always more difficult, as people quicker tend to identify themselves with “their” problems, considering them then as “theirs”. The danger to take problems personally is much bigger in an individual session.
And the process is structured in this way: when we impart that each part and organ of the body is ruled by an astrological sign, knowing which kind of energy this sign is responsible for, we will know which existential dimension is there to be expressed through these organs and parts of the body.
An example: the sign of Gemini rules the arms, shoulders, lungs and the respiratory system in general. In the psychic dimension it rules communication and movement. Thus, if a person “has” pain in the arms or shoulders, bursitis, cramps on these regions, or if there has been a fracture in the bones of these parts, or if the person suffers from any disease of the respiratory system, as these members and organs are ruled by Gemini, the person will hence be “having” difficulties in relating or in moving - or some other disturbance related to this dimension of communicating and moving ahead.
Besides that, more can be said if it’s known in which astrological house the sign of Gemini is on the person`s chart and also on where the person “has” the Mercury - the planet which rules Gemini -, as for example, in which area of the person’s life these problems are to be looked for or come from or where they get even more complicated.
If someone, for example, “has” Gemini on the seventh House, which is the place where we read about his or her marriages and partners, then his or her “problems” of communication and movement shall be stronger or generated in this dimension of life: partnerships. And when Mercury, for example, is situated in the ninth House - which indicates our ideals, masters and long journeys -, conflicts about relating and moving would have been caused by these issues.
In order to determine more accurately any other causes, of major or minor importance, we may still observe the aspects made by Mercury with other planets – and thus also the “necessary” healing procedures.
Hence, if you see each part of the body being ruled by a sign, “working” on this part with massage, or dancing with it, shaking it, we will unblock it, make it lighter and more alive. Each sign requires also different kinds of music or rhythms for that kind of energy which we want to move, and this is of course taken care of - and provided. And besides the body-work, there are exercises for “working” with the psychic or existential dimension related to that part of the body.
When the “Corpoterapia”© wants, for example, to explore the sign of Gemini, it offers then exercises which provide situations for one to explore communication, the capacity of moving and of overcoming stagnation in all directions.
The process develops itself in complementary steps, as exposed below, but nobody gets busy with knowing it or with when one will “work” with “his” or “her” sing, moreover for what we call “our sign” is only “our ego’s sign”, and therefore, what “has” to be quicker abandoned - or integrated, as said in holistic therapeutic language. In fact, problems don’t get much attention, and so, they “can” be “solved” in a much easier way.
Still, if during the process someone comes in contact with something “more serious” and difficult to be tackled, there is always the possibility of an individual session later on, when the “problem” can be then deeper taken cared of.
The process
The following chart shows the six steps in which the Corpoterapia© process develops itself:
1st session:
Aries x Libra
the head and the brain x the buttocks and the kidneys
ideas, imagination, adventures and iniciative x partnerships, arts and love
2nd session:
Leo x Aquarius
the back, the column and the heart x the legs and the blood circulation
the individual and the process of creating x science, friends, the community and the rebel
3rd session:
Sagitarius x Gemini
the hips, thighs and liver x shoulders, arms, lungs and the respiratory system
ideals, Masters, long journeys and enlightment x communication, movement, expression and theater 4rd session:
Taurus x Scorpion:
the neck and the throat x the sexual organs and the bladder
the roots, sensitivity and the perception of the world x sex, death, crises and money
5th session:
Capricornus x Cancer
knees, joints and the skeleton x chest, breasts and the stomach
meditation and silence x motherhood, feelings, moods and emotions
6th session:
Virgo x Pisces
the belly, hands and intestines x feet and glands
rationalization, analysis, magic, massage and dance x alcohol, drugs, the dissolution of the ego and music
The Corpoterapia© requires:
1. a big space, where people may dance and move freely
2. sound equipment (if possible, for CD, tapes and MP3)
3. privacy, where one may hear loud music, scream, cry, weep, laugh and experience the process without being
4. if possible, blankets and meditation cushions (or participants shall be asked to bring their own)
5. in case of weekend workshops: kitchen and proper material for preparing meals (vegetarian and macrobiotic)
Different ways of “WORKING”
The Corpoterapia© may be experienced in different ways:
1. each complementary session will be offered in one evening or in one whole day of the week. In this case, the
process lasts six weeks.
2. each complementary session is explored in 6 following evenings or whole days - and so the process lasts 6 days.
3. two complementary sessions are experienced in one week-end and may be residential, which brings always
better results. The duration of the process is then of three weekends.
4. each session is offered in a whole weekend and may be or not residential.
5. the whole process - the six sessions - is given in a weekend.
6. the “Crystal Man“© is a condensed form of the Corpoterapia©. It’s given in a couple of hours or in a day.
7. and “The Watcher“© is a two hours dancing meditation, based on the Corpoterapia©.
Naturally, the more time there is for experiencing each session, deeper the process will be.
In case of residential workshops, meals will be vegetarian and macrobiotic, cooked by Pyari or Avinash.
For those who get interested (and are prepared for going deeper), there is the possibility of a Neo-Tantra advanced workshop, which we call "Touch" - for a whole weekend and which must be residential. But it’s not necessary that participants have taken part on the Corpoterapia©.