The Show at the "Weinkost Portugal" on last 20th of April was so fantastic, that they wanted to "have" us again as soon as possible! So, we'll be playing there again on Saturday, June 1st, 2024, from 5:30 to 9:30 PM, with lots of blues, as Luiz, the "Weinkost Portugal" owner, is a blues fan! 

Come to dance with us!


Then, on the next Saturday, June 8, 2024, we play at the festival "Wilhelmsburg 48HS", from 4 to 5 pm, at the stage in the "Krankenhaus Gross Sand"

(Gross Sand 3, 21107 HH)


And on Friday, June 21, 2024we'll rock again at the  "Fete de la Musique", from 8:45 to 9pm, at the Atelier Karweck, at the Himmels Weg 7, in Tostedt.

On Dezember 28, 2023, the "Colorful Condoms" played once more, this time at the "Kultur Kneipe Grete", in the Schanze, Hamburg, Germany, and it was simply great! Everybody danced, screamed and enjoyed, as always by the "Colorful Condoms"! People report that they've been brought to something they haven't done since ages: dancing!!!

So, come to one more Happening, to dance and move the bones, at the  Weinkost Portugal, Rambachstr. 13,

U-Bahn Landungsbrücken, on Saturday, April 20.2024, up 5:30 PM

Pyari at the "Komm Du" Kultur Café on January 20, 2023
Pyari at the "Komm Du" Kultur Café on January 20, 2023

The next show from 

"Pyari and the colorful condoms"

will be on

Saturday,  September 30, 2023

at the

Brückenstern Kultur Café

in the

Stresemannstrasse 133

22769 Hamburg.Sternschanze

"Pyari and the colourful condoms" at the Festival 48st Wilhemlsburg on June 10, 23
"Pyari and the colourful condoms" at the Festival 48st Wilhemlsburg on June 10, 23

Pyari celebrates 77 years on this planet with one more Show from the band

"Pyari and the colorful condoms"
on Friday, Juni 30th 2023
at the Jupi Bar up 8 PM
in the Gängeviertel - Caffamacherreihe 37-39
Ecke Speckstrasse - 20355 Hambur 20

"Pyari and the colorful condoms" at the "Komm Du" on January 20, 23
"Pyari and the colorful condoms" at the "Komm Du" on January 20, 23

"Pyari and the 

colorful condoms"


plays on Saturday, Juni 10 - 2023


at the Festival 48 St. Wilhelmsburg

from 8 to 9 PM

Pyari at the "Komm Du" on Friday, January 20, 2023
Pyari at the "Komm Du" on Friday, January 20, 2023
"Pyari and the
Colorful Condoms"
next shows
on Tuesday,  April   6 . 2023 
in TEUFELS Live Music Klub
Hammoorer Weg 26 - 22941 Bargteheide  
at 8 PM 🤡 - Tel: 0177.5960743
on Saturday, April 22 . 2023

im "Brückenstern"

(Stresemannstr.133 - 22769 Hamburg. Altona)

at 8 PM

"Pyari and the Colorful Condoms" at the "Deichdiele" on September 22, 2022
"Pyari and the Colorful Condoms" at the "Deichdiele" on September 22, 2022
upcoming SHOWS from
"Pyari and the colorful condoms":
Friday, January 20. 2023 at the
Buxtehuderstr. 13 - 21073 HH/Harburg
from 8 to 10 PM 👽tel: 040.57228952
and on Thursday, April 6. 2023 
at the TEUFELS Live Music Klub
Hammoorer Weg 26 - 22941 Bargteheide     -     at 8 PM      🤡   👽   Tel: 0177.5960743




on Thrusday, September 22, 2022

at 8 PM



Veringstraße 156

21107 HH Wilhelmsburg  


 Saturday September 10, 2022







for expansion of consciousness and healing with:  PYARI AND THE COLORFUL CONDOMS




camping possible




Sunday, August 22, 2021 at 8 PM



Veringstraße 156

21107 HH Wilhelmsburg  


with a new program and a new bassist ...

come to dance with us!

The Colorful Condoms playing at the Captain San Diego ship, Hamburg, 1990
The Colorful Condoms playing at the Captain San Diego ship, Hamburg, 1990

 "Pyari and the Colorful Condoms"

with a new bassist 

Musik for expansion of consciousness:

reggae, latin, pop, 2 blues and 1 Osho Song


am 10. April 2020 um 20 Uhr im "Brückenstern"

(Stresemannstr.133 - 22769 Hamburg) 

und am 23. April 2020 um 20 Uhr im "Le Fabrique"

(im Gängeviertel, Valentinskamp - Hamburg)


"The softest substance in the world triumphs over the hardest."

( Lao-tse )

Pyari in Fools Garden
Pyari in Fools Garden

The Colorful Condoms


on Juli 6, 2018

50 years that Thilo came to this planet and 72 that Pyari did it - with the Show:

The power of the feminine strength

 at the summer celebration

in Ahornhof- Therapy center

Rosenstraße 1, 25355 Groß Offenseth-Aspern


at 4 PM

with  Blues, Rock´n´roll, Reaggae and Brazilian  Music


"You know more as far as knowledge is concerned, your memory is far bigger than mine. But I have not brought knowledge to you, I have brought something totally new. An inner light has arisen in me, a flame. And I see you are living in darkness."

(Buddha, to His father)

Avinash and Pyari on the plane to Buenos Aires, april 2015
Avinash and Pyari on the plane to Buenos Aires, april 2015


Pyari and Avinash celebrate 35 years on the path of love

with a dance and music show from



on the first of december 2017


at the KulturWerkstatt Harburg e.V. Kanalplatz 6

                   21079 Hamburg/Harburg



Life is a mystery and much more absurd than we think.

Already Einstein, Plank and Osho have said so!!!  And "The Colorful
Condoms", eventually to indicate this, play  again - own compositions and a couple of special covers - in english, german and portuguese


The "Colorful Condoms" is a combination of rock, blues and brazilian music, with a further big variety of rhythms, including folk und reggae. They've started presenting themselves in concerts, theaters, street and private parties at the end of the eighties ... turning Hamburger nights more colorful...


 "Fools Garten", Schanze, 2009

Atman and Pyari at "The Gong Show", RTL TV, Hamburg, 1992
Atman and Pyari at "The Gong Show", RTL TV, Hamburg, 1992


Come to experience one of those nights full of joy, laughter and creativity  tasting the superb art of the "Colorful Condoms"!


Deva Pyari - voice and guitar

Prem Atman - voice and guitar

Anand Avinash - drums




It was a great evening at the Grete, on the second of february! Full of people, laughter, fun, and we've played for 2 hours!! People singing with us, in portuguese and in english...

Thanks to all who have had fun with us!

See you next time, on the third of august!


But the photo is from the Tabaan meditation center, Hamburg, from the happening on the 3.7.2011


Photos from the Grete will be here soon.

Avinash, Pyari, Utpal and Atman at the door of the "Fools Garden", in the morning after the show, on the second of july 2012
Avinash, Pyari, Utpal and Atman at the door of the "Fools Garden", in the morning after the show, on the second of july 2012

on thursday, august 3 - 2017

at 8 pm


Pyari and the Colorful Condoms



at the Grete

Margarethenstr. 33, Hamburg


Pyari and Thilo at the "Fools Garden", Schanze, Hamburg, 2006
Pyari and Thilo at the "Fools Garden", Schanze, Hamburg, 2006

on thursday, february 2 - 2017

at 8 pm


Pyari and the Colorful Condoms


at the Grete

Margarethenstr. 33, Hamburg 


presenting the show: 2 + 2 = 5


 "In life, what you see, says more about you than about what you see." (Osho)

The Colorful Condoms at the "Leuchter", Hamburg, 1989.
The Colorful Condoms at the "Leuchter", Hamburg, 1989.

next Show:


Pyari and the Colorful Condoms



thursday, october 13, 2016

 in the Sünde Bar,

                            um 20 Uhr

Bernstorffstr. 146, Schanze, Hamburg


       BBB (Blues, Bossa, Balladen)


Pyari in Lanzarote, 1990
Pyari in Lanzarote, 1990

CDs from

the Colorful Condoms

can be ordered here:


1. "Jump Out"

    12 songs with guitars, keyboards and drums,

    to  dance


2. "The cosmic dance meditation"

     2 CDs with the dance meditation, created by 

     Pyari - with instructions in english.

     Also available with instructions in german or  




Pyari in Hamburg, 1991
Pyari in Hamburg, 1991

3. "Healing songs"

     six songs for healing: the heart, the stomach,  the  

     bladder, arthritis, hernia or tooth problems.

     They may be ordered separately, as a single CD as  

     well - as healing energies for just one disease.


4. "Music for love"

    six songs for making love


5. "Trance Shake"

     a song for shaking and releasing tensions and

     blocks in the body


6. "Love and Hate"

      a song to get more sensitive and  learn to accept 

     the complementary yin/yang forces of the universe